There are, quite literally, almost all types of soils at Boelsgård A/S just outside Brovst. “We have yellow clay, blue clay, lake bed soil with 15% humus, sharp sand and everything in-between on our 270 hectares, shared by two owners,” says Operations Manager Jens Thomsen. He has been running the business for seventeen years and, whereas several people used to do the work previously, he is now running things by himself.His combine harvester was sold off a few years ago. So he now handles all tasks apart from threshing. In a situation such as this there is need for only one tractor, which, however, does 1,000 hours a year. “The custom is to replace the tractor after every 3,000 hours approximately, or every third year, or thereabouts, for the latest and best,” he says. That is why he is looking for a new tractor in the summer of 2015.