Together with his wife, vet Harald Skagemo lives and works on a farm in Meldal, an hour south-west of Trondheim. “As long as I can remember, I always dreamt of being a vet and working with big animals,” he says. He uses a Fendt 313 Vario and a Fendt 516 Vario to manage his mixed farm of grassland (35 ha of which he owns and 50 ha he leases) and 400 ha of forest. They also keep 60 dairy cows, 100 cattle and 15 sheep. “The sheep are just for fun,” laughs Skagemo. His wife, Sigrid Johane Muan Skagemo, grew up on the farm, which the couple took over 16 years ago. His wife has been running the business full-time ever since, but Harald Skagemo also puts his every spare minute into the farm.

There’s probably no tractor brand that can compete with the precision of Fendt’s Vario transmission.

There’s probably no tractor brand that can compete with the precision of Fendt’s Vario transmission.