Ulrich Stemmer manages the company Mochauer Landwirtschafts GmbH in Präbschütz near Chemnitz. On 1,200 hectares, the Augsburger native cultivates wheat, corn, winter barley and rapeseed. "We cultivate our areas each season with 2 workers and 2 helping hands during harvest, so we need reliable and effective technology. That is why we are interested in a Fendt IDEAL 9T. The Fendt IDEAL 9T sets new standards among large combines in terms of grain quality, straw quality and also user-friendliness," says Ulrich Stemmer. "Our machines have to take some of the work off our hands because we work with few personnel. That's where the reversing fan of the Fendt IDEAL is simply very practical, because the machine cleans itself". This eliminates the need for daily cleaning and blowing out the cooler. As farm manager Ulrich Stemmer himself also sits on the combine and openly admits: "Driving and operating comfort are of course decisive for me because after all this makes long working days easier".

Fendt IDEAL sets new standards.

Fendt IDEAL sets new standards.